Blacksburg, SC – Finishing Plant

Blacksburg, SC – Weaving Plant

Blacksburg, SC – Corporate Office
All of our fabric & textile products are made in the USA. This ensures you receive a high-quality product, on-time, and with the confidentiality of your design guaranteed. We can help you craft decorative home accessories, equestrian fabrics, home furnishing fabrics, and specialty and industrial fabrics.
Our production capabilities include:
We have Benninger sectional warpers that allow us to process a wide variety of yarn sizes, end counts and pattern layouts.
Our Dobby looms range in width from 190-220 cm and offer up to 20 body harnesses and 8 filling selectors. Standard Dobby end counts range from 832 to 4176 total ends with a variety of incremental options. We provide standard straight draws up to 12 body harnesses and special draft draws for large production runs.
Our 29 Dornier Jacquard looms are configured around the common home furnishing width of 54 inches. We provide a variety of construction options with 10 standard harness arrangements.
We have 3 Unimac washer extractors and 8 Cissel gas tumble dryers. Throws are cut, washed and tumble dried to accommodate shrinkage to the appropriate size and bloom cotton yarns. Heat seal / label machines are available for application of labels and pallet wrapping is available for large shipments
Want to know more or get a quote?
Email info@weavetec.com or call (864) 839-3974.